Do not mistake the person you hired for the person you will have working for you

  • February 13, 2018

screen-shot-2019-05-14-at-1-19-57-pm_origIt is very easy when you bring on a new team member to fall in love with them.

Make sure you are falling in love with the actual person you hired and not the person you FEEL like you THINK you hired.

The honeymoon stage in an employer / employee relationship is as real as it is in a romantic one.  That hot and steamy first few months where the new staff member is trying to impress their new boss generally wears off. 

It is easy to get caught up in the idea of "potential" or production numbers boasted from previous offices.

By the end of the first two months you should be seeing more than just a glimmer of the person you thought you hired.

If you do not... you should begin thinking about cutting bait.

Slow to hire.

Quick to fire.

Do NOT fall in love with the person you INTERVIEWED....

or the person you THINK you are getting...

Examine the body of work they show you once they start, independently.

Fall in love with the results; when they deliver as advertised and ARE the person you believed to be hiring. 

Many of your hires are the product of being in a great or poor system with good or bad leadership. 

The environment and culture created in YOUR office will also be a determining factor in your hires' success. 

Make sure you are providing them absolutely everything they need to be successful and watch your new hires soar. 

If you are not already a part of Insurance Soup we would love for you to join the family!


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