Insurance Inspiration for Every Agent

  • November 5, 2020

No matter what profession you're in, you're going to have have rough days here and there. Selling insurance is no exception. You're always going to have days where you question what you do and why you do it. For insurance agents, it's important to remember that while you're building a life for yourself and your family through your profession, you're providing so much more to your clients. 

Sometimes all you need is a shift in perspective and a reminder of how it feels when you're successful in helping your clients. If you or an agent you know is struggling in the industry lately, here are a few notes that might  help them get back on track.
29c2c11804efbb411a198d19a5b9e299-feeling-frustrated-quotes-for-motivationThis is a big picture quote. It tells us that your career, what you're doing, from beginning to end isn't based on one bad day or one good day. You're doing it because one day you want to look back at what you did. That's what matters.


While insurance agents certainly are not trying to capitalize on the bad things that can happen to their clients, it's important to remind them that you are there to give them the opportunity to secure protection if something should happen.
f0e14172777dc5f9a746cfeb21e682cfIf you view your career in insurance as the number of people who've lives you've helped make better, you will see that what you're doing is very important.
sales-quote-thomas-freese-1024x536We love this reminder to keep the client first, ahead of yourself. Continue getting to know them so that, when it's your time to show up, you can do so in the best way possible.
37173a9832a9f108b6d3bf0c88cccd89The good work you're doing is not going to be glaringly obvious to you every single day. You are helping your customers and building your career based on the belief that you are doing what you should be doing.

This is rule number one. Don't be so obsessed with closing the deal that you ignore the relationship. One sale is one sale. If you're treating your client right, they'll be back.

This quote is relevant on all levels of our lives, not just for selling insurance. Preparation and a positive attitude will set you up for the best of every circumstance. Be willing to adapt to new opportunities so that you can work best for your clients and yourself.


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