Make A List of These Things During Prospect Calls

  • September 27, 2021

Having successful conversations with prospects isn't always second nature for every agent. Lots of times, when you're calling leads, there are many things happening at once and it can be easy to miss a cue or forget to ask an important question. This is an important opportunity you don't want to fumble. This is your chance to show a potential customer that you're the agent they want to do business with. 

Over the course of your conversation with a lead, you're likely going to be giving a lot of information to the person on the other end of the line. It can be easy to forget all of the right questions at the right time.  B sure to take the time to likewise pause for a minute and pay attention to what the individual needs to say. This will allow you the opportunity to more readily comprehend what their identity is and what they are searching for.

The following is a list of key data from the client that agents should be writing down throughout the course of the conversation:


Be sure to make note of any interesting information that could be unique to that specific client. This info will help you craft a customized sales plan for that customer. What problems does the client have that you could help with? How can you restore some level of comfort by helping solve those problems? Delve in and get however much significant information as possible so that you can create the best plan for that lead. 


Listen for and write down any existing objections that your prospect may have. No matter what the advantages of your offer are, there will be a few things holding that lead back. You must get familiar with their reservations so that you can prepare to tackle these potential issues head-on. You don't want to miss a sale when the client's objection is something that can easily be managed. Offering solutions tells the lead that their issues are normal and that you have tended to them with different customers. 


You're going to want to identify early on how motivated your prospect is to purchase your product, as well as whether or not they're in the position to buy at that time. A few shoppers will reveal to you when they need to purchase. Others won't be as open with this detail. Observe hints during your discussion. When working shared leads, attempt to get the reason behind the lead's interest in your offer before you get off the telephone but be sure to make it subtle. Attempting to hurry the sales cycle along can appear to be pushy and have an adverse consequence. 


You. may run into a question or concern from a lead that you don't know the answer to offhand. This may seem like a problem, but it's actually a great opportunity for you to make contact with the client again. Be sure to let the client know that you're going to look into their concern and that you'll be getting back in touch with them with all of the relevant info as soon as possible. You never need to leave a potential purchaser hanging. All things being equal, record what you need to discover and afterward start gathering the data so you can get back in touch a second time.

We all know that first impressions are of the utmost importance, especially when it comes to sales in an industry where trust is key. By recording these important details during each lead call you make, you're likely to hit and resolve all the most pressing pain points for your prospect. Happy dialing!


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