Online 101 For Insurance Agents

  • October 27, 2020

studio-projectWhether you're an OG insurance agent or you're just starting out, being online is no longer an option - it's a must. Simply put, without an online presence in this day and age, you're less likely to stand out and be able to compete with other brands and businesses that make themselves readily available for customers online. It's imperative that setting up a proper website, social media accounts and branding be done if you want to really get in the game. We've put together a few basics that every agent should treat as vital steps in their business and marketing plan. Check them out!

Make sure you do an online search and are able to secure a domain URL that matches your business name. If you can't find a URL that matches 100%, that's OK, but it should be something as close as possible to your business name. Make sure you use a legitimate web hosting platform for your site, meaning you'll have to pay for it. A free web host will likely take advantage of your visitors to promote itself. 

A logo is your first step in branding your business so it should be something well-designed and proud of. It will appear on your website, your social media accounts, your letterhead, your business cards, promotional merchandise, etc... so you want to make sure it looks professional and represents your business properly. But don't worry. You don't have to shell out thousands of dollars to a graphic designer to come up with your logo. There are plenty of graphic design apps and online tutorials that can help you create a logo for yourself if you can't afford someone to do it for you.

A lot of agents, especially agents starting out, will use their home address or personal cell phone number as their contact info, but those should both be avoided. First, when someone is looking to stop by or send you something, they want to see a legitimate business address, not a PO Box or a residential address. UPS and Fedex have ways to provide you with a business mailbox if you need. And registering a new business phone/phone number, your business will appear in online directories, making it much easier for people to find you and identify you as a legitimate business.

Having a polished, up-to-date collection of your business and marketing information shows customers that they're dealing with a professional. Your kit should contain a bio, your company history and profile, relevant photos and organizational facts about your business. Even if this is only a page or two, it's a great resource for people who are looking to quickly get information about you.

Once you step out and start prospecting and promoting your business, you'll want to keep an eye on what's bringing in business for you and what isn't. This is an important money and time saver because otherwise you could be spinning your wheels, losing money and missing valuable opportunities on something that isn't working for you. Don't be afraid to ask clients what guided them to you and what didn't. 

These are just a few very basic tips to get yourself started out. Once you've taken care of these items, it's time for you to become active on your social media accounts to begin building relationships which should gain you momentum both online and offline. There are tons of opportunities to market and branch out to customers, but not until these steps are complete. Good luck!


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